DORN Selfhelp exercises: click here

I love DORN, peaceful and tolerant people and I love to help others so please:

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DORN Selfhelp - about this project


My name is Thomas Zudrell and I am the initiator of this project.

More information about me and my work:,, 

Since many years now I am a DORN Instructor teaching this fantastic holistic method all over the world, sharing my experience and knowledge with anybody interested.

The DORN Method and especially its Selfhelp possibilities should be known and freely available to everybody therefore I created this project.

This projekt (webapp) shall be a help (resource) for all Backpain sufferers and for all DORN practitioners a free posibility to introduce the DORN selfhelp exercises to their clients and motivate them. A recommendation to visit this webapp (or link) is appreciated!

The Plan is to make this web-app (website) as informative and easy to use as possible and useable on any device. Because my knowlege and talents in IT are limited I would love to cooperate with professionals in these fields. These services however are usually not for free and quite expensive so I do need help!

Beside this web-app (website) I like to develop a "socalled" native App that people can download and run on their Smartphones but as of now I do not have the knowledge or financial capacity to do this.

I  plan to share additional Tips on holistic health and fitness and plan to collect valuable information, create nice videos, photos and share information and links.

I also plan to include easy to find information about specific health issues (i.e. scoliosis, headaches, fibromyalgia, stress-related problems, organic probelms etc.) with this project.

 The bigger picture: To have DORN Centers in many countries where students can learn DORN for selfhelp or therapeutic purposes and if possible all this as Non for profit Organizations!  

Your support is highly appreciated!

Please note: Do not exercise after any injury following an accident and do not exercise if you experience fever, migraine or inflammations. The exercises must not cause any pain while doing them and it is best to repeat them more often than doing them too intensive. Do not hold your breath during the exercises. » All exercises must be done balanced on both sides of the body regardless where the problem is. Best results are achieved if all exercises are done several times a day for the first two month then at least once a day after that time. This however should be accompanied by the prevention (avoid wrong movements) and maintenance (muscular treatments like therapeutic massage and correct muscle training. The 3 tools for Self Healing: Prevention - Therapy (selfhelp) – Maintenance.  Although the DORN Method Selfhelp Exercises are very safe if done careful and in the correct way unforeseeable reactions during the adjustment period are possible. Full Self Responsibility rests on the Practitioner of the DORN Method Selfhelp Exercises.

Recommended products:

Spynamics Sacro & Spine Aligners (click for more information)

spynamics sacro and spine aligner


Treat yourself like the most valuable treasure that you own.
Prevention is better than cure.
Start now.

Thomas Zudrell, Health Coach

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Thomas Zudrell

Please note

The information on this website is not intended to replace a consultation with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Thomas Zudrell and / or other people. The visitor of this website is encouraged to make his/her own health care decisions based upon his/her own research and best in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

Contact us

  • Phone: 
  • +49 (0)151-55634171
  • Email:
  • Adresse:
    Thomas Zudrell
  • Wiesenweg 4/1
  • 88353 Kisslegg, Germany